Triple science week 4

This week in triple science we started off the week completing a work sheet to show our understanding of finding the moment, distance and force. This helped us revise for an upcoming test to confirm we have mastered this topic.
Wednesday was our next triple science lesson. This lesson included learning about gears and how they work. A gear is made up of two teethed wheels where the teeth interlock to create movement. During this lesson we learnt that a smaller gear attached to a big gear means that bigger gear turns slower with a greater force. When two gears interlock this also causes a change in direction.
On Thursday we completed revision sheets which the teacher made for us from questions which needed to be completed. These questions were based on topics completed during this term in class. There were twelve different questions to complete.
On Friday we were introduced to monoclonal antibodies. In my opinion this was my favourite lesson of the week. This is because it was very interesting. We learnt that a monoclonal antibody is a protein produced from a single clone of cells. The antibodies are specific to a type of chemical or cell in the body. They are made by using mouse lymphocytes to make antibodies and combined with a particular tumour cell making a hybridoma cell. This allows the cell to divide and produce more copies of itself. This allows it to produce a lot of a specific antibody. This has been used in products such as pregnancy tests. It works by using unbound antibodies which detect human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). The unbound antibodies will move down the test strip and if the woman is pregnant the antibodies will become bound to a secondary antibody and the dye attached to the antibody will make that section go blue. These monoclonal antibodies have revolutionised the diagnosis because you can now detect if somebody is pregnant earlier and they attach to HCG; a hormone present only if you are pregnant.
During our normal science lesson, we carried on about parallelogram of forces, explained to you during another student’s blog in week 3. Below are some images of what we have done this week.

Exam questions

1. Explain what the force and speed would be like if a smaller gear was attached to a larger gear.
A. The larger gear will turn with a slower speed but greater turning force.

2. What is a clone?
A. a genetically identical organism or cell.

3. How do you calculate moment?
A. forceX distance

4. What is a monoclonal specific to?
A. chemical or cell in the body

5. What hormone is present within the urine while you are pregnant?

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